Elk&Ether gong baths
Workshop dates:
Sunday 17th November
Sunday 8th December
Sunday 26th January
Sunday 23rd February
Sunday 23rd March
Sunday 27th April
Sunday 18th May
Sunday 29th June
What is a gong bath?
At a gong bath with elkðer you will experience the sounds of a collection of sacred gongs which are supported by a cast of accompanying instruments including: the hand-pan, singing bowls, bells, chimes, the shruti box, drums and many more!
This is a powerful practice where the deep tones and vibrations of the gongs offer us the opportunity to heal, gain balance and achieve harmony.
The sense of deep relaxation that is often experienced with gongs and sound healing is a result of activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which supports our body to rest and repair.
In addition to both our heart rate and brain waves slowing down, we can also expand our consciousness to a higher level. This can help us to release trapped emotion or stale energy, promoting healing by creating a sense of equanimity and balance.